Large format 3D Printing Capability
We provide Large Format FFF/FDM 3D Printing service.
Printer capacity :
      - 1800mm (X) x 570mm (Y) x 600mm (Z)
      - 71” (X) x 22.4'' (Y) x 23.6” (Z)
      - Accuracy of +/-0.2 mm
We can print parts in almost any  available FDM plastic.
-> Click the 3D print quote request button above, to submit
     your Model for 3D Printing
3D Modeling for 3D Printing
-We can create or repair your 3D model for 3D printing and optimized its design to ensure the 3D print result is the best it can be.
-We can check your project to identify parts being good candidate for 3D printing and adjust their construction to maximize the 3D print output.
-We can design your product even if not 3D printed and provide dimensional drawings for other fabrication method.
-We offer discount on 3D print when we design your product.
Functional Parts
- Mechanical parts
- Prototype to verify β€œfit” before final manufacturing
- Automotive parts
- Orthopedic & Prosthetic parts
- Electronic enclosures
- Channel Letters
- 3D printed "Negative" pattern for mold making
- Architectural scale building, house and maquette details.

Architectural Model & Interior Design
- We can 3D print architectural scale model of Buildings,
   houses, structures, and decorative interior design objects.
- We can optimize the modeling of your architectural
   project, to improve the 3D printed quality.
Manufacturing Tooling
Using 3D printing for tooling, fixtures and jigs is a fast, cheap, and efficient way to get results and solutions.
Here are few examples of what can be developed and printed:
-Alignment jigs
-Tool holder
-Go-No-Go gauge
-Assembly jigs
-Inspection fixtures
 3D printed mold
Commercial advertising display 
We can 3D print very large Objects for commercial advertising. You can supplied your ideas using pictures, objects or 3D models and we will bring to life your idea. 
Toy, Drone, R/C Car/Plane
3D Printing is an affordable and very effective tool to produce functionnal parts for Toys, R/C Car, Plane and Drone. We can also redesign broken parts and re-create the 3D Models for 3D printing to replace your parts.
Old Vintage Car parts
We can reconstruct damage parts, such as old vintage car parts, that doesn't exist anylonger using scanning, reverse engineering design and 3D Print.
If required, we can post-process your print to optimize the finish to match the level of quality you are expecting. The desired post-process can be selected when filling an instant quote request or you can provide the desired finish through our contact form.
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